Favorite mobile game

What is your favorite mobile game?
Let’s look at the chart. 
The bar chart display number of ku’s student who play mobile game. It also compare number of male students and female students. 
As you can see most played game is ROV also know as Realm of Valor about 50 people. It can be divide to 25 males and 15 females that is the tallest male chart and females chart.
The different in number of male and female who not interested are largest. It’s about 17 students.
And ROV male player are more close to female player than other games just 6 students.
The different between Rov and other game, Rov is mmorpg game it’s easy to play everyone can play it easier than other games.

Conclusion, ROV is the most popular mobile game and this chart also refer that male love to play game more than female.

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Sec 41
